August 31, 2011

Ectopic Pregnancy: Risk and Treatment

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in a fallopian tube, and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are not designed to hold a growing embryo; the fertilized egg in a tubal pregnancy cannot develop normally and must be treated. An ectopic pregnancy happens in 1 out of 60 pregnancies.

What causes an ectopic pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancies are caused by one or more of the following:
An infection or inflammation of the fallopian tube can cause it to become partially or entirely blocked.
  • Scar tissue left behind from a previous infection or an operation on the tube may also impede the egg's movement.
  • Previous surgery in the pelvic area or on the tubes can cause adhesions.
  • An abnormality in the tube's shape can be caused by abnormal growths or a birth defect.
Who is at risk for having an ectopic pregnancy? 

August 29, 2011

When Will Child Born - How to Count Weeks Calendar

To know when a child will be born brings to my mind a question how to count weeks calendar.  After checking, there are a wide number of free calculators available that help us count the number of weeks we have been pregnant and determine due date. 

Many use a formula called Naegle's Rule to calculate the number of weeks based on a set point (the date of you started your last menstrual period) and count forward 40 weeks for a due date.  Most accurate way to count weeks is based on normal pregnancy duration of 38 weeks that assumes you became pregnant exactly two weeks after your period.

Things are Find, or estimate, the date of the first day of your last period (LMP).

Count backward three months from that date, then plus seven days. This will be approximate due date. Even though you are counting backward, the date is the next occurrence of that date. For example, a LMP in February should give you an approximate due date in November.

August 27, 2011

Morning Sickness - When We Need a Doctor

Further to the last article about how to prevent morning sickness in pregnancy.  Although morning sickness will usually start around six weeks and end somewhere around 14 weeks, this pregnancy symptom can last the entire pregnancy for some women like a routine.  So, let’s check again if we already do those preventive ways and find out more advice to help us relieve morning sickness.

1. Avoid an Empty Stomach
Always keep something in your stomach. Eat healthy crackers before getting out of bed in the morning. Starting the day with something in the stomach can help to ward off nausea first thing in the morning. Many women also get up repeatedly during the night to go to the bathroom. This may also be a good time to have a few crackers to keep your stomach from getting too empty.

2. Eat a Bland Diet
Avoid eating spicy, greasy and fatty foods that easily can cause nausea and vomiting. By avoiding these foods and sticking with a bland diet, it may be easier to avoid the symptoms of morning sickness.  Keep in mind that food you ate with no problem before pregnancy may suddenly cause morning sickness during pregnancy.  Who knows.

August 25, 2011

How to Prevent Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?

One of most common unpleasant pregnancy symptoms is morning sickness, a term for nausea and/or vomiting. Is this unavoidable or can we do anything to prevent sickness?

Actually, morning sickness can strike us at any times of the day-not just in the mornings. The likelihood for experiencing this condition is worst during the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester) when hormone levels are waving…..Researchers found many women who experience morning sickness early in their pregnancy tends to suffer from vomiting till the fourth or fifth month, while some women have to get used to morning sickness for the entire 40 weeks.

Now, shall we start the day with some bland foods like crackers, cereal or granola beside bed.  This is not the right time to worry about weight. Munch it before you get up to raise blood sugar and neutralize some of the acid in the stomach. Rise slowly and gently, so you will not get dizzy.  Take breakfast, make sure about protein intake before you begin your day's activities.  Remember that variety of fruits and veggies is a must. During early morning hours, as well as any time during the day and evening, beverages like ginger ale and peppermint tea can assist in alleviating morning sickness.

Morning Sickness Preventive During the Day is easier.

August 23, 2011

What Are the Signs of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy signs or symptoms are various from woman to woman. However, there are some general signs that are common in many pregnant women. If you wonder you may be pregnant, a pregnancy test or health care professional advice is a strongly recommended to make sure. 

One of the most common sign of pregnancy is enlarged breasts that may be extra sensitive because of increased hormone levels.  Women who experience breast swelling before the periods may mistake this sign for a usual part of their monthly cycle or they may find the swelling or sensitivity is more severe than normal. Pregnant woman may also experience morning sickness, bloating and increased sensitivity to smells as well as fatigue. Well, do you notice that the pregnant woman usually needs to urinate frequently?  This is due to the uterus begins to press on the bladder.

Though pregnancy symptoms begin about the period,