September 7, 2011

Sleep Survival for Pregnant Women PART 2

Many pregnant women are happier to pass 1st trimester and hit the 2nd trimester mark. Why?  Because, it means less risk of a miscarriage, less morning sickness, less frequent urination.  Moreover, it means longer peacefully sleeping hours. 

Women often feel their best and have a boost of energy during this time. Anyway, there remain plenty of maladies to plague sleep during this time. Our bodies are adapted to make room for the enlarging uterus and the diaphragm is restricted and breathing becomes shallower. This causes the infamous heartburn. Many women only have to eat or drink anything and get it. Another unpleasant case interrupt our sleep is nightmare. Some of pregnant women notice their dreams become increasingly frightening and extremely vivid by pregnancy develops.  Have you ever dreamt about losing baby?

Survival Tips

  • Try to avoid spicy, fatty, or fried foods in order to avoid heartburn
  • Eat frequent small nutritious meals along the day. You may not be happy to wake up at night because of hungry.
  • But try not to eat too much before bed and talk out any fears you might have with your friend or husband to avoid nightmare
  • Use antacids. They are effective and safe.
  • Keep extra rest and sleeping during the day as much as possible. 
  • Lie on your side with your knees and hips bent when you sleep.
  • Place pillows between your knees, under your tummy and behind your back. This can help take pressure off your lower back.
  • Keep the stomach acid down by sleeping with your head and neck elevated
  • Be positive and enjoy your 2nd trimester. It is no use to create more tension.

Have a good night.  You are expected to prepare yourself for the most challenging stage of sleep soon.

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